
Yes, I will

You are my best friend. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard.
I promise you more books.
I promise you that we will have many pizza nights together.

Σ 'αγαπώ, ευτυχία μου, αγάπη μου, ψυχή μου, το μελλοντικό σύζυγό μου.
Από εδώ και πέρα, προς τα εμπρός στο χρόνο.

:heart: to Vladimir, my husband to be :heart:


Sunday afternoon

Do you know it? The feeling?
Sunday, sunny day in May, after lunch,
looking at the one you love with calmness in your mind,
no need for reassurance for once,
smelling hot coffee,
just expecting film to start...
and the view in front of you is this one


Color Speaks VOLumes

I am a great fan of black and white and monochrome photography in general.

But...sometimes color can speak volumes.

I am green today
I chirp with joy like a cricket song.
I am gray today
Gloomy and down like a morning fog.
I am orange today
Loud and messy like finger paint on the wall.
I am red today
Hopping mad like a playground ball.
I am black today
Strong and tall a great big bear.
I am purple today
Bright and happy like a butterfly in the air.

I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world are in me.

I am yellow today
I shine my light out like the sun.
I am white today
Soft and quite like new snow.
I am blue today
Calm as glass and cool like the sea.

I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colors of the world are in me.
All the colors of the world are in me.

~Kira Willey

If red means love - I love you

I love when it is just the two of us.

like we are last people left on Earth

seeing the hidden treasures of past times
look...I've found the color of your eyes Aegean waters!

learning about healing one another

... and enjoying every precious moment spend with you.


Street Photography-Slices of Life

My personal WARNING: You might be OR you might think you are Beautiful, Ugly , Smart, Famous, Infamous, Rich, Poor, Intelligent, Dumb, Cute, or are about to become one of the above or alike. Whoever you are, Good Godly Luck to you but, MIND the step along the way & dont become an asshole too!!! there you have it! everyone knows of one!

The Modern Day Street Photographer Refuses To Die!

Street Photography, a conceptual continuity!

I say it loudly that I so truly believe that there are faces and seconds that are ONLY realized through the lens of the Street Photographer and Street Photography. I cant help it!!!

No part of my website or images are meant to be disrespectful to anyone in or out of the site. After all, its ONLY Street Photography

***taken from : Street Photography and other stories